Kentucky Before Boone Poster
In 1989, the Kentucky Heritage Council printed Kentucky Before Boone, Jim Railey’s amazingly detailed and informative poster depicting Indigenous lifeways, technology, and diagnostic artifacts drawn from Kentucky archaeological sites and artifacts. This first printing was one color: buffalo brown ink on antique white paper. By 2010 the poster was out of print and remained so until 2023.
The new posters debuted on Saturday March 4, 2023, at the 40th Annual Kentucky Heritage Council Archaeology Conference at Carter Caves State Park. How You Can Get A Poster
The Kentucky Organization of Professional Archaeologists (KyOPA) is selling the posters. One brown-on-ivory poster per person is free. Each additional copy is $3.00. Shipping/handling is $10.00 to cover the cost of the mailing tube and postage. EDUCATORS – for classroom use discount, contact Anne Bader ([email protected]).
KyOPA is asking for a donation of $10.00 for each colorized copy to guarantee that the organization has the resources to print the the Kentucky Before Boone Poster and the annual Kentucky Archaeology Month poster. Shipping/handling is $10.00 to cover the cost of the mailing tube and postage.
To Order from KyOPA
Go online ( and follow these instructions:
Link to Kentucky Before Boone: A Poster Companion Handout coming soon!
Illustrated with selected images from the poster, this companion handout provides a short summary of each time period depicted on the poster and short descriptions of each period’s Time-specific Lifeway Scenes and Activity Scenes.
Link to Teachers Guide to “Kentucky Before Boone:” A Poster About Kentucky’s Native Peoples coming soon!
This Guide is organized into four sections, targeting each period of Native history illustrated on the poster: Paleoindian, Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian/Fort Ancient. It provides descriptions of each period’s Time-specific Lifeway Scenes, Activity Scenes, and Technology Timeline segment. It also provides information about the archaeological sites that served as the models for the Native communities illustrated in the Time-specific Lifeway Scenes. The goal of the Guide is to enhance the poster’s educational value for use with students of any age.